Γραφείο Διασύνδεσης ΕΜΠ


Κλάδος Επιχείρησης: Ενέργεια και Μεταλλουργία

Σύντομη Περιγραφή: MYTILINEOS Energy & Metals is a global industrial and energy company covering two business Sectors: Energy and Metallurgy. The Company is strategically positioned at the forefront of the energy transition as an integrated utility, while already established as a reference point for competitive green metallurgy at the European and global level. It has a consolidated turnover and EBITDA of €6.35 billion and €823 million, respectively, and employs more than 5,442 direct and indirect employees in Greece and abroad. In 2021, underlining its commitment to sustainability, MYTILINEOS became the first Greek company setting solid targets and being committed to minimizing its carbon footprint, paving the way for a greener and more environmentally friendly industry, according to ESG performance indices for Environment, Society and Governance. In particular, MYTILINEOS has pledged to minimize its carbon footprint, aiming to reduce its total direct and indirect CO2 emissions by at least 30% by 2030, compared to 2019 levels, while by 2050 the Company is committed to achieving net zero emissions across its entire business activity.

Διεύθυνση: .............. ............

Αριθμός: 1

Ταχ. Κώδικας: 1

Πόλη: ................ ............

Τηλέφωνα Επικοινωνίας: 6980659627

Email: Panagiota.Ntroulia@mytilineos.com

URL: https://www.mytilineos.com/

Δημόσια εμφάνιση στοιχείων: Όχι